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An urn of wood and ceramics, unique and artistic.

Each of our urns is individually configurable, with 7 precious woods, 8 hand-illustrated motifs and 6 different finishes, from the motif or text engraving (for example initials in the wood) to gilding or your own, individual text...
Wood, ceramics, handwork, art – each urn is a very special and unique item.

arca - Urne in Holz Linde, Motiv Schwalben auf Keramikplatte

Urn in lime wood with “swallows” motif on ceramic plate

arca - Box 2
arca - Urne mit schönem Spruch auf Keramikplatte

Urn with evocative saying on ceramic plate, screen-printed. Can be personalised with your own text!

arca - Kinderurne in Holz Lärche mit Motiv „Vögelschwarm“

Urn for child in larch wood with “flock of birds” motif

arca - Holzurne in Linde, Motiv „Birken“  auf Keramikplatte

Wooden urn in lime wood with “birch” motif on ceramic plate

arca - Box 6
arca - Box 7
arca - Doppel-Urne in Lärchenholz, Motiv „Pusteblume“ in Keramik

Double urn in larch wood with “dandelion” motif in ceramic

arca - Urne in Holz Eiche, Motiv „Gräser“ auf Keramikplatte

Urn in oak wood with “grass” motif on ceramic plate

arca - Holzurne in Kirsch, Motiv „Origami-Kraniche“ auf Keramik

Wooden urn in cherry wood with “origami cranes” motif on ceramic

arca - Urne für Kinder, Kirschholz mit Motiv „Pusteblume“

Urn for children in cherry wood with “dandelion” motif

arca - Zwischenelement Pusteblume
arca - Urne in Eichenholz mit Motiv „Schmetterling“, Siebdruck

Urn in oak wood with “butterfly” motif, screen-printed

arca - Besondere Urnen  für ganz besondere  Menschen

Special urns
for very special

Each is a unique item that combines art and handwork. Precious and personal, a gift for all eternity.

arca - Urne in Erlenholz und gebrannter Keramik, Motiv „Gräser“

Urn in alder wood and fired ceramic with “grass” motif

arca - Zwischenelement Keramikplatte s
arca - Urne für 2 Verstorbene in Holz Erle, Motiv „Ginko“ auf Keramik

Urn for two deceased persons in alder wood with “gingko” motif on ceramic

arca - Urne in Birnenholz, Motiv „Vogelschwarm“ auf Keramik

Urn in pear wood with “flock of birds” motif on ceramic

arca - Kleine Urne für Kinder in Holz Birne, Motiv „Schmetterling“

Small urn for children in pear wood with “butterfly” motif

arca - Zwischenelement Kontrolle
arca - Urne mit Spruch auf Keramikplatte - Zwischenelement
arca - Motiv Schwalben
arca - Urne mit Spruch auf Keramikplatte - Zwischenelement
arca - Urne in edlem Nussholz mit Motiv „Birken“ auf Keramikplatte

Urn in fine walnut wood with “birch” motif on ceramic plate

arca - Die Erinnerung ist  unvergänglich.

The memory is

arca gives your memory a beautiful, precious place to rest, as a personalised urn or as a place to keep very special mementos.

arca - Arca - Motivgravur im Holz

Motif engraved in wood

arca - Nussholz-Urne, Keramik-Motiv „Schwalben“, Siebdruck

Urn in walnut wood with ceramic “swallows” motif, screen-printed

arca - Arca-Urnen sind individuell konfigurierbar

arca urns can be individually configured.
A unique piece of craftsmanship of wood and ceramics, a special design for a special person.

arca - Zwischenelement Birken Wald
arca - Zwischenelement Produktion

Configure your own design in
4 simple steps.

To the configurator

A gift for all eternity.

DE . IT . EN